07 December 2020

The Value of Multiple Working Hypotheses

My new essay "The Value of Multiple Working Hypotheses" explores two major considerations in reflecting on a profoundly important paper T. C. Chamberlin published in the journal Science in 1890 under the title "The Method of Multiple Working Hypotheses".

There will be a free on-line event exploring Chamberlin's paper and my essay on 16 December 2020: Event at 52 Living Ideas. Crossposted event at the Greater Philadelphia Thinking Society.

20 August 2019

Addenda to My First 2019 Conversation with Harold Channer

Three addenda to expand on my first 2019 TV interview with Harold Channer
"Linux: An Empowering Computer Operating System"
"Heidegger and The Challenge of Humanism"
"Martin Heidegger & Buckminster Fuller: Connections between Two Visionary Thinkers about Technology"

26 November 2014

My Conversation with Harold Channer

Yesterday I was in Manhattan to talk with Harold Channer, a producer with MNN (Manhattan Neighborhood Network). Harold has interviewed more than 2000 guests including R. Buckminster Fuller on his TV program Conversations with Harold Hudson Channer. The HD videos of the conversation are already on YouTube:

Let me know what you think of the conversation.

11 February 2012

Understanding, Predicting and Designing the world with Models

"So if you want to be out there helping to change the world in useful ways, it's really really helpful to have some understanding of models."
— Scott E. Page

This is one of several arguments that Scott E. Page makes in motivating his free on-line video course Model Thinking. Essentially, Page argues that models help us to understand, predict, and design or re-design our world. This is going to be an important class. I am getting ready for a deep dive!

I have only dived deeply into two other free on-line courses. They are Linear Algebra and Introduction to Databases. I love learning about big picture, broadly useful subjects.

29 October 2010

Syntropy blog now on-line

I finally got a real Wordpress blog going at blog.CJFearnley.com. My first substantial post is on Buckminster Fuller and the Open Educational Resources Movement. I was pleased that several people found it and started commenting right away.